OBS at Home
24/7 Virtual Nursing and Observation--
For "Hospital at Home" and all At-Home Care Models
OBS at Home is a Virtual Observation company positioned to support and enable healthcare organizations in the new era of "at-home care". Utilizing its "24/7 Virtual Nursing and Observation" model, and powered by the latest continuous Remote Patient Monitoring technology, OBS seeks to replicate, and in some ways exceed, the round-the-clock nursing care that hospital inpatients receive--all from the comfort of their home.
Working from a Command Center approach, and across many organizations, OBS can provide this critical at-home care solution is in a scaled, cost-effective manner. Please reach out me at mbaumel@OBSatHome.com to learn more about our efforts with our launch client, and our plans to expand into all areas of at-home care, such as:
*Hospital at Home
*Early Discharge for Hospital Inpatients
*Emergency Department to Home
*Home Health force-multiplicationContinuous 24/7 Remote Vital Signs Monitoring

24/7 Virtual Nursing and Observation
Leveraged, and Cost-Effective
At-Home Care with Safety, Security, and Patient Satisfaction